Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Gettysburg Monday January 19

While the U of U band was in Washington they had two days of site seeing.
Kristen said Gettsburg was very interesting to see and the contrast between that historic site and Marching down Pennsylvania Avenue for the Inaugagration of Barack Obama was very significant for her.  She will always remember seeing the President waving from the stands!

March on Washington D.C.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Presidential Inaugural Parade

Kristen has spent the past three days in Washington D.C. with the U of U marching band.  What an amazing experience for her.  

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Winter Fun

Sam and Kristen try out a new climbing wall-momentum in Sandy.

Sugar Bowl

New Orleans is a party town.

U of U Marching Band

This year has been a good choice for Kristen to join the band!

Wylie James Thomas

It's wonderful to have our newest family member here!